Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Healthy Return

I have been in the land of the extremely miserable. I am recovering from one of the worst bouts of pneumonia that I've ever had. This way my eighth case and second worst episide of the illness. Two types of antobiotics, Kick-Ass Immune, collodial silver, garlic, and tea tree oil nursed me back to health.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Walk, Run, Rain, Itch

Today, I participated in the Breast Cancer walk sponsored by Sisters Network . I ran from Emancipation to Scott Street and half way back. Before, I got to Scott I started to itch uncontrollably. Then it started to rain. I finished the "run" then went home and slept in wet clothing and hair. Then I went to the hair salen and stayed there freezing for about five hours. (I wear Bantu twists now and it takes about four hours for my hair to dry.) Now I am home with a sore throat and ear ache.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Earth Day

I planted four trees in onor of Earth Day. The trees were from a composting education booth at Discovery Green. I hope my brown thumb turns green soon.