Tuesday, February 17, 2009
So Lucky
How Nobody Came to the Graveyard

Neil, congratulations on your award. It's almost like the new Kindle, but better. Neil reads eight chapters. Check him out on my favorites.
neil gaiman
Monday, February 16, 2009
Lost Weekend
Valentine's Day Party with the best wine
Dinner with a politician; LOQUACIOUS ME
Two dozen roses
"I brake for paws" ride home
Hamlet at Ballet Austin
'recognize the music?
Dinner with a politician; LOQUACIOUS ME
Two dozen roses
"I brake for paws" ride home
Hamlet at Ballet Austin
'recognize the music?
philip glass
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Jango & Presidential News
This is my own personal radio station. You try it. Click on the orange "Jango" above.
Comments on the first presidential news conference:
I cannot believe members of the press asked these questions.
Q. Can one really "talk up an economy"?
A. If this is possible, then maybe Obama can "talk it up."
Q. Shall people spend or save their stimulus checks?
A. I thought all members of the press have taken Economics 101. Does the word "Spiral" not mean anything?
Comments on the first presidential news conference:
I cannot believe members of the press asked these questions.
Q. Can one really "talk up an economy"?
A. If this is possible, then maybe Obama can "talk it up."
Q. Shall people spend or save their stimulus checks?
A. I thought all members of the press have taken Economics 101. Does the word "Spiral" not mean anything?
Barack Obama,
web 2.0
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I am really tired today. I am missing Austin already. I had to come home early to attend a wedding tomorrow.
I planned to see Charlie today, but changed my mind.
After watching my first two episodes of Lost, I think I am going to order the first season from Netflix.
I planned to see Charlie today, but changed my mind.
After watching my first two episodes of Lost, I think I am going to order the first season from Netflix.
February 6 IT GIRL

I attended three parties and Sixth Street last night. I took some folks to the Driskoll and reminisced about when my SO and I used to come here and stay in the Presidential Suite. In the event that he ever reads this, I was having fond memories about the hotel and visiting Austin, not us.
I had dinner at the Parkside http://www.parkside-austin.com/ . I was in the company of a known/famous expert in my field, a Spanish gentleman from Madrid, and a food critic. Conversation was interesting.
Charlie, you disappointed me today.
February 5 “AT LAST”

Shrek, Beyonce and Denzel Washington were all having lunch together.
Shrek said, I've always thought that I'm the strongest man in the world, but how can I be sure?
Beyonce agreed. 'I'm told I'm the most gorgeous of them all, but sometimes I wonder.'
Denzel Washington said, 'I'm pretty sure I'm the sexiest man alive but I've never had it confirmed.'
They all decided that the best way to find out if their beliefs were true was to ask the famed talking 'mirror, mirror on the wall' to confirm for them whether Shrek was the strongest, Beyonce was the most gorgeous and Denzel Washington was the sexiest. They agreed to meet again the next day for lunch to discuss their findings.
The next day Shrek walked up with a smile. 'Well, it's true. The mirror told me that I am the strongest man in the world.'
Denzel Washington perked up and said: 'And I know for sure that I'm the
sexiest man alive.'
But Beyonce lifted her sad, gorgeous face and said.......
Who the hell is Hannahdrewdash?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Everything is fantastic in my world today! “It’s my birthday! It’s my birthday!”('just joking)
I was too ill to go anywhere last night. No WF, but my arm and hand feels so much better!
It is 9:42 a.m. and I have been assisting people to find their way around the building since 7:15. I volunteered to sit at the “Ask Me” station. Since the hotel does not have free Internet in the rooms, I volunteered for this station so that I can sit here and check email, visit my friends’ blogs, and upload my own blog. It must be true what they said about best made plans. It is so busy, I am having time to take advantage of the connectivity.
There are over 3000 people in the building today and about 2992 are lost souls who can not read maps. Normally, I do not encourage people who are too lazy to use a first grade skill of looking at a picture “as if you are a bird in the sky” and then figuring out where you are. Today was quite different. Could be the fact that I adore the fast paced interaction while sitting here at a desk with a notebook with Internet access (My other computer should be ready when I return home), while in a fourth story window overlooking the Austin skyline? Yes! I am so pleased to be of service to others and elated to be in Austin that I can tolerate ones who do not know the difference between North and South and also being too busy to stay on line. Austin is in my orange blooded soul.
February 4 LISA LING

Today, I saw Lisa Ling in person. She is beautiful in spirit, soul, and person. Man, is she tiny.
Monday, I walked into a wall and injured my arm. Tuesday, I slammed my hand on that same side in an ice chest. My arm hurts and is swollen off and on from my finger to my shoulder and neck. It hurts to drive and I have taken too many Darvocets to do so. The hotel I am in will take me at no charge in a town car to Whole Foods to pick up something to care for my arm. I shall go as soon as I am out of the meeting I am in now. Since, I take them so seldom; I brought only three pain pills from Houston with me. I do have apple cider vinegar and a bottle of aloe vera gel. What can I do with either of those?
Thank you Denny’s for the free breakfast! I know only of three locations in Austin. Since I did not get to the Denny’s at 5:30 a.m. as planned, but a little later, I assumed that we would have to go to another location, due to a long line. We were able to have breakfast at the one on 15th. That was the one we went to first since it is the location closest to the Four Seasons.
The presentation was great. Afterwards, we went to Whole Foods for dinner. Their capinno soup is much denser than the soup at the Houston WF. Perusing the store felt like a tour of my soul. “My heart leaps up…”
OK OK, since my presentation is over, I really have a lot of time on my hands. Tammy shared this with me today.
The presentation was great. Afterwards, we went to Whole Foods for dinner. Their capinno soup is much denser than the soup at the Houston WF. Perusing the store felt like a tour of my soul. “My heart leaps up…”
OK OK, since my presentation is over, I really have a lot of time on my hands. Tammy shared this with me today.
whole foods
February 1 LONGHORN COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!
Ill again with bronchitis since Sunday. Even though I was ill, yesterday, I did present another workshop. I went to bed at dust. I need energy for tomorrow and Monday.
Superbowl Party 1 – I went to the early one at 2:30. Two thirty!!!! I know! I know! Only two of us were Steeler fans.
Steelers Rock! Sweeeeeeet!
February 2 BUSY BEE
My presentation for the state is tomorrow. ‘too busy to type much. I hope to get to bed by 9:00 p.m. That is really earlier than my usual 1:00 a.m. I am still trying to fight bronchitis.
Superbowl Party 1 – I went to the early one at 2:30. Two thirty!!!! I know! I know! Only two of us were Steeler fans.
Steelers Rock! Sweeeeeeet!
February 2 BUSY BEE
My presentation for the state is tomorrow. ‘too busy to type much. I hope to get to bed by 9:00 p.m. That is really earlier than my usual 1:00 a.m. I am still trying to fight bronchitis.
The workshop that I will be presenting in Austin next week is entitled, “Quick…”. Today’s workshop was similar, but the title was not the same.
Thanks Tom for sending out the party cancellations! I have been too ill to prepare for the party. I hope I feel good enough to go to the Mezzanine.
Thanks Tom for sending out the party cancellations! I have been too ill to prepare for the party. I hope I feel good enough to go to the Mezzanine.
January 26 YEAR OF THE OX

How fitting; President Obama is an Ox. Oxen are known to become successful by working hard.
I am a little ill and tired. I love Austin, but the drive back took a lot out of me. I spent all day running around in circles at work, trying to play catch up from being in Austin and away when I had bronchitis. Tomorrow, I present a workshop at our district location. I had to get everything ready at work, since I still cannot access my home Internet.

Went to Austin for work for a few days.
I made sure to go get dinner early and watch movies and read before I retired. A veggie burger with cottage fries from Kerbey Lane in bed with a book is a simple delight Life is good. ‘stayed in hotel room each night and finished reading The Jane Eyre Affair and watched The Producers (original movie, not the re-make with Nathan Lane), The Jane Austen Book Club, Teacher’s Pet (Yes, the feature length with Nathan Lane), and HGTV.
When I got home this evening I watched Batman Begins and The Cleaner. I wonder how long I will crush on Samuel L. Jackson. Cannot wait for Unthinkable.
I breathe Austin so much. Only a few days before I go back in February.

What a great time and interesting world in which I dwell! Yesterday was such a one in a lifetime event. I cannot stop saying “President Obama”. The viewing party has a few flubs, but was a success. I ran around in a black suit with seven strands of pearls and closed toe croco heels. Since my instep is so high and feet so narrow, my feet slide to the front of my shoes, making closed toes the most uncomfortable. I ran around from first to third floor and back down again several times making sure that everyone had adequate viewing arrangements. I did the most running from the television news cameras. The local news came to cover our viewing party. They interviewed my boss and four others that my co-worker and I chose. I chose to stay as far away from the cameras as possible. My mother told me that she saw the party on the news.
I went to a small and quiet matronly inaugural celebration after work. There were about forty five in attendance. Only three or four were male and three were children. Most people I invited went to parties. Two of my friends showed up at the quiet one. It was to last by 10:00 p.m, but most were out by 8:30. I left at nine, ran home and changed clothes and met friends at a party. Even though I have gained over 15 lbs since I last wore that ball gown, it still fit, and may I say I was non-less than elegant. I retired right before 1:00 a.m. this morning.
What a great time and interesting world in which I dwell!

Bono ROCKS! Yesterday’s concert was so sweeeeet! Bono does not have to do the things he does. He is my Mother Teresa. Samuel L. Jackson L. Jackson is so awesome! His speech was a reflective confirmation of what racial equality advocates have worked for.
‘sorry about Philadelphia, but, Steelers RULE! ‘Due to having to go to someone else’s home to view the concert, I did not see the entire game. The folks at that party were only interested in Kum Ba Ya, etc…, not a sport that has anything to do with world peace. I did manage to see the some of the game.
Superbowl party at my house on the 1st!
Menu: Seafood Gumbo with brown rice, carrot juice from my new juicer, sweet potato fries, quinoa, tabbouleh, humus, soy cheese spread, gluten free crackers, and guests bring veggies, fruit, and beverages. I shall supply Patron and Chopin. Since I cannot connect with Tallulah. I am depending on Tom to take the RSVPs and give me the number.
‘went to another, not the usual, hairdresser today AFTER I left work on yet, another non-work day. Met a friend there, did a little shopping, and had lunch in the same complex, then finished reading Gingerbread under the hair dryer. My friend also read a novel. Her husband gives her his old reads and also recommends titles for me. Strange thing- most of what he recommends is already on my short list. This would not be so strange if they were best sellers or from a favorite genre. No, these are just a well rounded hodgepodge of titles. Go figure. My shopping yielded two pair panty hose, a black leather handbag for my mother, and a red shirt and complementary neck tie for my father.
Attended the Martin Luther King, Jr. service at Rothko Chapel. I was tired and ill, but did not want this very special day to be over shadowed by the excitement of the inauguration.
I missed church today. I really hated to miss the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. service. I overslept. I do not feel well at all. Last night, I went to bed with an earache and sore throat. Yesterday, a co-worker and I worked from 9:15 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. running cable and setting up viewing stations. It WAS NOT even a work day. I do not even mind the fact that my co-worker will be monetarily compensated and I will not, due to my mid-administrative position. I do not mind, because this presidential inauguration will be AWSOME, ‘gotta go wash the car and then watch Philadelphia and Pittsburg whip serious donkey. ‘would be so righteous to have two Pennsylvania teams in SB43!
January 16 FREE CABLE
Spent the day finalizing plans for an inaugural viewing party for the entire building. Over 1400 will be in attendance. I even missed my standard hair appointment. I had to drive 45 minutes away in rush hour traffic to pick up hundreds of dollars of free cable. While I was out on my trek for free cable, my friend borrowed his wife’s truck and delivered my clothes rack. Yea! Thank you for good friends.
Internet service is down at home, so I am typing on a Word file to upload as soon as I can get Internet at home. Jackie, my HP computer is in the hospital, while there is noting wrong with Tallulah Bank; my Toshiba. I just need time and patience to telephone my provider to secure my log-on code for the healthy Tallulah. It was deleted from Tallulah when she was in the hospital. CFIDS does not permit me to become frustrated; I shall wait for Jackie to come home. I choose not to upload using my work computer. I like keeping everything separate.
Harold Powell is going out of business. I bought one more clothes rack for my dressing room. I also found the most beautiful white linen and gold metallic brocade skirt. I was originally $138. I snatched it up for $10.00.
Went to MFAH. Loved the Kachina dolls. The exhibit reminded me of a social studies unit that one of my grad school professors shared with the class..
Internet service is down at home, so I am typing on a Word file to upload as soon as I can get Internet at home. Jackie, my HP computer is in the hospital, while there is noting wrong with Tallulah Bank; my Toshiba. I just need time and patience to telephone my provider to secure my log-on code for the healthy Tallulah. It was deleted from Tallulah when she was in the hospital. CFIDS does not permit me to become frustrated; I shall wait for Jackie to come home. I choose not to upload using my work computer. I like keeping everything separate.
Harold Powell is going out of business. I bought one more clothes rack for my dressing room. I also found the most beautiful white linen and gold metallic brocade skirt. I was originally $138. I snatched it up for $10.00.
Went to MFAH. Loved the Kachina dolls. The exhibit reminded me of a social studies unit that one of my grad school professors shared with the class..
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