Shrek, Beyonce and Denzel Washington were all having lunch together.
Shrek said, I've always thought that I'm the strongest man in the world, but how can I be sure?
Beyonce agreed. 'I'm told I'm the most gorgeous of them all, but sometimes I wonder.'
Denzel Washington said, 'I'm pretty sure I'm the sexiest man alive but I've never had it confirmed.'
They all decided that the best way to find out if their beliefs were true was to ask the famed talking 'mirror, mirror on the wall' to confirm for them whether Shrek was the strongest, Beyonce was the most gorgeous and Denzel Washington was the sexiest. They agreed to meet again the next day for lunch to discuss their findings.
The next day Shrek walked up with a smile. 'Well, it's true. The mirror told me that I am the strongest man in the world.'
Denzel Washington perked up and said: 'And I know for sure that I'm the
sexiest man alive.'
But Beyonce lifted her sad, gorgeous face and said.......
Who the hell is Hannahdrewdash?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Everything is fantastic in my world today! “It’s my birthday! It’s my birthday!”('just joking)
I was too ill to go anywhere last night. No WF, but my arm and hand feels so much better!
It is 9:42 a.m. and I have been assisting people to find their way around the building since 7:15. I volunteered to sit at the “Ask Me” station. Since the hotel does not have free Internet in the rooms, I volunteered for this station so that I can sit here and check email, visit my friends’ blogs, and upload my own blog. It must be true what they said about best made plans. It is so busy, I am having time to take advantage of the connectivity.
There are over 3000 people in the building today and about 2992 are lost souls who can not read maps. Normally, I do not encourage people who are too lazy to use a first grade skill of looking at a picture “as if you are a bird in the sky” and then figuring out where you are. Today was quite different. Could be the fact that I adore the fast paced interaction while sitting here at a desk with a notebook with Internet access (My other computer should be ready when I return home), while in a fourth story window overlooking the Austin skyline? Yes! I am so pleased to be of service to others and elated to be in Austin that I can tolerate ones who do not know the difference between North and South and also being too busy to stay on line. Austin is in my orange blooded soul.
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