When one is in love one always begins by deceiving oneself and ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls romance. Oscar Wilde
Last night, I attended a production of Twelfth Night at Miller Outdoor Theatre's Shakespeare Festival. This was my third time seeing MOT's production of it. I recommend it as a "go see." You may like to see more of Bob Boudreaux; for his role was a cameo. In recent years he had larger parts, but this year was a return to a cameo. If you seek comfort in a familiar face, Rutherford Cravens as Sir Toby is a fine staple of our Houston festival. Guy Roberts is over the top! David Wald as Feste brought an unexpected, but well placed pop culture flavor to the production. Best of all, the temperature in the seated section was excellent 'can't wait to see Pericles.
The photo above shows my ticket and the Playbill from Miller Outdoor Theatre's July production of 42 Street.