Today marks my 100th post!
When I started this blog, I mostly chronicled my daily events. Since January 2009, Hannah's Mom has evolved to just a general "keeping up with..." for friends, family, and other followers.
I receive quite a few comments and questions from friends. Here are my responses to some of the most common ones:
1. Yes, I would love to include more fashion posts or start a daily fashion one. I may some day. Kismira inspired me to start this blog.
2. I do not always agree with field negro, but I do follow his blog. I admire Field for speaking his mind and his expression is interesting. Field would probably refer to me as "House".
3. I do not include some of the movies I have created because they are related to my "nine to five". I may create others or add some Animoto ones.
4. My answer to "Are you serious with your wish lists?" "Do you really want me to buy that for you?" My answer: Ask Frank Nelson!