Sunday, November 1, 2009

Back Home

I am spending Halloween and All Saints Day in Austin!!!!! We left Houston this morning. With Kerbey Lane so far away, my friend suggested we stop in Chappel Hill for breakfast. I found a Halloween costume at the Burger King there. Don't ask! We spent most of the day at the Texas Book Festival and on South Congress. After the festival, we had lunch at Mr. Natural. Then on to South Congress. I am the luckiest woman in our universe; I found a spot right in front of the door of Lucy in Disquise - Elecrtic Ladyland. Of course Electric Ladyland had a line down the block. I did a pretty good job of not overspending at Tesoros. The evening involved me missing a Halloween dinner theatre, but, not to my disappointment, I went trick-or-treating and had a wonderful dinner at Whole Foods. I saw an impressive Michael Jackson who was not bad or mocking at all. This one even had a wife dressed as a cat and an adorable baby safely and smugly tucked in the grocery cart as they shopped. I and even babysat some stranger's dog while her daddy shopped in the store. I then spent the most refreshing rest of the night working on my short story at a near North Side coffee house. When I decided to leave or, let the truth be told, I was confronted with the nightie night patron chant of "you don't have to go home, but..." I decided that hot chocolate and finishing up my story in my hotel room would be the perfect way to end Halloween night. Upon realizing that I was not staying my usual place, but a more reasonably priced one where my friend made reservations, I remembered that I did not have access to hot water for brewing chocolate. Then the most scarriest thing happened. I went to an Austin Walmart after midnight to look for an electric tea kettle. I did not find a tea kettle to my liking, but I left with trail mix, orange juice, and a Lornhorn mini duffle bag. Reminds me of the episode of Southpark where Wall Mart, not our beloved Walmart, is a wasteland of zombielike creatures who roam the store after midnight looking for nothing in particular.

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