This is my best friend Pat. We have been theatre buddies since 1993. We attend Miller Outdoor Theatre perormances together. Sometimes there is a group of us; sometimes, just the two of us. We always attend the FREE summer performances at Miller Outdoor Theatre:
Twelfth Night
The Wiz
My Fair Lady
Music Man
Mama Mia
Since ushers do not tear ticket stubs at the door. You can keep your tickets and use them as bookmarks. They come in handy when reading and waiting in the box office lines for more FREE tickets.
Last time I did not attend the play with Pat, but with my other friend Donna. We made a picnic of it. Our menu included rice crackers (gluten free!), tomato and roasted pepper humus, grapes, puff dried snow peas, fig newtons (also gluten free), and white zinfandel.
Above is the borrowed book I was reading to pass time while in line for tickets.